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Munster Chamber of Commerce

click on the picture to hear & watch the show

IronWorkz - Emmani Ellis

THE Summit  - April 25 and 26

PNW Society of Innovators - Jason Williams

April Meeting Sponsor

Mani-Doro 2

Mani D'Oro

7826 Calumet Ave

Munster, IN


Ribbon Cuttings


Ribbon Cuttings are available anytime during your first six months of membership and also for Business 're-openings' after re-modernization or moving to another address, and are a great way to meet new Chamber members. Ribbon Cuttings provide a rare opportunity to "look under the hood" of businesses and learn more about our community's wide array of products and services. No RSVP is necessary and there is no charge to attend.

Ribbon Cuttings can be scheduled Monday through Friday and you can include light refreshments. For information on scheduling a Ribbon Cutting contact the Chamber office at 219-836-5549 or email

Ribbon Cuttings

The Munster Chamber of Commerce will:

  • Notify its membership of the event through our weekly Chamber Newsletter.
  • Add your event to the online calendar on the Chamber website.
  • Notify the Chamber Board of Directors
  • Provide giant scissors, red ribbon, and set up the group for a great photo.
  • Use the photo from the event on Social Media post and the Chamber website.

Guidelines for Ribbon Cuttings

  • Set a date - Give the Chamber at least one month notice.  Attendance will vary based on the day. Please be aware of major holidays and community events; the Chamber can be helpful in this area.
  • Develop an Invitation list - Invite your potential and current customers, suppliers, and employees. Is the public invited? If so, try to send a press release to the local media a minimum of two weeks prior to the event.
  • Advertise the event.
  • Plan a menu - If expenses allow, try to have some refreshments on hand.  Suggested menus include light hors d'oeuvres, finger foods and beverages.
  • Plan the photo - Try to designate in advance the location where the actual ribbon cutting photo will take place and who will be in the pictures.

Optional Ideas

  • Have a brief 10-minute program. A program can include opening remarks, welcome message or a brief description of your business.
  • Include a guided tour of your facility.
  • Display or give away gifts or promotional items with your logo or company name.
  • Have a door prize and collect business cards of visitors. A door prize could be a sample of your product.
  • Find a way to thank everyone who worked hard to bring the project to fruition.
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